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"Since Skanda evolved to The Haven at Skanda, it has opened its doors to farm animals and endangered species. Its goats are an exception because they aren’t rescues or endangered. They are simply fun to be with and have great personalities.

Beckerman said, “They are really sensitive to people with special challenges. In some of the summer programs, we have kids with autism, and the goats are sensitive to them and hang out with them.” An excerpt from Local Animal Haven Seeks Volunteers with a Heart

Stories written for the Cazenovia College Newspaper by Hannah 

Stories written for the Quad were part of an introductory course to Journalism and an Independent Study for Feature Writing.

"Each story was a new challenge and learning process that allowed me to go outside of my comfort zone."

Click any of the story titles to view the full story. 

"In the Morgan Room, snacks were set up, music was playing, and the members of the Prank Clubwere there ready to start setting up. They were missing the essence of the Fun Bash, however. It was with Jorge Guerrero’s dad, the co-owner of the business Fun Bash, who drove from Brooklyn to get to Caz. He left at 11 a.m. and didn’t get to Cazenovia until 9 p.m." An excerpt from Blizzard can’t stop the dad who puts the fun in Fun Bash.

Currently, Carosello works at Roma Industries as the head designer and has been employed there for five years. Carosello reached her position by being adaptable to the worsening conditions in the retail  and fashion industry, something she talks about openly.

“The market isn’t as good any more. Fashion is still around, it’s always going to be around, but the buyers really messed up the accessory market. We had to mold ourselves to make a better plan,” she said.

Despite the turmoil surrounding the fashion industry, Carosello says she can’t see herself anywhere else. “I just know that if I were doing something else then I would still be doing fashion whether it was for myself or for a company.” An excerpt from Cazenovia Alum Returns to Speak at Annual Fashion Show.

A pink baseball hat. Something so simple was worn by one Fashion Merchandising student last semester. This hat was possibly one of the only pink baseball hats roaming the campus. Now all over campus, worn by students of every major, pink hats roam in abundance.

So why pink? Well, according to Pantone, a color forecaster used by industry professionals in the fashion industry, pink, or Rose Quartz as they’ve dubbed it, is one of the colors of the year.

The student, Rafael Valverde, said, “Pink hats were everywhere in the city (New York City) … it’s just coming to campus; things take awhile to get here.” An excerpt from Fighting the Caz Fashion Delay.

"This past housing selection, only 12 students chose to live in Watts. The rest of the students currently calling Watts home are living there because they either had no choice in the matter or moved in after the start of the fall and spring semester, like Tagliaferro did.

In some ways Watts doesn’t appear to be different from some of the other aging buildings on campus. When walking into the building, however, you don’t have to look very far to see tattered furniture that sports holes. Just look up and you can see the ceiling with its numerous scrapes and dents.

Tagliaferro acknowledges those problems.

“The one thing especially of all the places in Watts is the lounge, because it is destroyed,” he said. “The ceiling has scrapes and cracks, the furniture is gross… the walls look so bad and the kitchen in there needs to be redone.” An excerpt from College considers closing Watts for some much-needed TLC.

2019 by Hannah Lees. 


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